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Case Studies

Our products have achieved unparalleled success in locating flaws and defects in highway pavements, bridges, buildings, tunnels, dams, piers, sea walls and many other types of structures. They can also be used to measure the thickness of concrete slabs (pavements, floors, walls, etc.) with an accuracy of 3 percent or better.

Impact-Echo is used most successfully to identify and quantify suspected problems within a structure, in quality control applications such as measuring the thickness of highway pavements, and in preventive maintenance programs such as routine evaluation of bridge decks to detect delaminations. In each of these situations, impact-echo testing has a focused objective, such as locating cracks, voids or delaminations, determining the thickness of concrete slabs or checking a post-tensioned structure for voids in the grouted tendon ducts.

Experience has shown that an understanding of the physical principles of the impact-echo method and information about the structure being tested are necessary for successful field work.

Select the following case studies for more details:

  1. Cracking in Deck of Reinforced Concrete Railway Bridge, Denmark.
  2. Measuring Thickness of Concrete Pavement in New Highway Test Section, Arizona.
  3. Locating Voids in Grouted Tendon Ducts of a Post-Tensioned Highway Bridge, Northeastern USA.
  4. Identifying Weakened Panels in a 7.5-mile Concrete Seawall at Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles, California.
  5. Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Deck with Asphalt Overlay, New York State, USA.
  6. Cracking in Beams and Columns of Parking Garage, New York State.
  7. Locating Hidden Headers Behind Masonry Facade of 13-Story Building, New York City.