World leader in developing impact-echo technology.
Leaders in evaluating concrete and masonry structures, catering to construction managers, DOT engineers, and forensic test consultants.
Experts in the field
Impact-Echo Instruments’ experts are ready to answer your questions related to the technology behind our products and their applications
The Folks Who Wrote the Book on Impact-Echo
Impact-Echo Instruments’ products are based upon research carried out by Dr. Sansalone at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Cornell University and its own research laboratory.
Celebrating 25 years of Product Leadership
We will take orders and carefully ship our instruments anywhere in the world.
Proudly Made in the USA

Our System
Our systems can measure thickness of concrete plates such as pavements, retaining walls, and tunnel walls, in compliance with ASTM Standard C1383-98a. They can also measure the depth of surface-opening cracks, and determine the location, depth and extent of cracks, voids, delaminations, honeycombing and debonding in plain and reinforced structures.
Our Specialty
Unlike other companies, Impact-Echo Instruments specializes solely in Impact-Echo test equipment. In fact, we wrote the book about the technology and were among the first to commercialize it.

Ask the Expert
Impact-Echo Instruments’ experts are ready to answer your questions related to the technology behind our products and their applications. Free of charge.
Success Stories
“The Federal Highway Research Institute of Germany (BASt) has used the equipment of Impact-Echo Instruments for almost two years. The impact-echo system was used successfully for thickness measurements, detection of delaminations and detection of voids and honeycombing. The system was also used in investigations of prestressed concrete bridges to detect voids in the grouting of tendon ducts. A procedure for verification of the thickness of inner lining of new road tunnels was developed by BASt, and adopted by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing in Germany.”
– Dr.-Ing. Juergen Krieger, Bundesandtalt fuer Strassenwesen (Federal Highway Research Institute), Germany
“We are using an instrument from Impact-Echo Instruments to locate voids beneath 80-90mm of a steel fibre concrete floor, forming the cap over cushion piles. We have located faulty pile heads, mapped the extent of voids and associated honeycombing, and after grouting checked for residual voids and concrete strength gain. No other available test method is appropriate. We also regularly use impact-echo for forensic studies of historic buildings, including recently St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, The Federal Reserve Building in New York, and the U.S. Capitol Building, Washington.”
– George Ballard / GBG Inc., New York, USA / GB Geotechnics Ltd., Cambridge, England
“As an impact-echo researcher, I am very impressed by the products of Impact-Echo Instruments, with which I have done many impact-echo tests successfully, such as crack detection and thickness measurements. A test system integrating two handheld transducers, a 14-bit A/D converter and a user-friendly software makes the impact-echo field test system accurate and easy to use.”
– Professor Yiching Lin, Ph.D. / National Chung Hsing University / Taiwan